Friday, August 26, 2011


We are moving!
A week from today we will be moving into a new house.   
We have been at our current residence for over 6 years, and the amount of junk that we have accumulated is mind boggling.   
We have a pool in the new place, and a nice private spacious backyard.
I am really looking forward to spending more time outdoors.  
I feel so much more connected to myself, if that makes any sense, when I spend more time outside, even if it is night time.  
I felt so amazing the other night when we had a full moon.  
We had gone outside to see if we could catch any of the meteor shower, and the moon was so full and bright that we couldn't see any of the meteors.  
What I did see, and feel, was the bright and amazing moon. 
I felt alive, I felt it from my hair down to my was like every cell in my body was tingling.
It was an awakening of that I am very excited about.
More to come!