Friday, September 18, 2015

Will you?

I was in the same relationship from the age of 18 until a couple of years ago when my husband and I separated.
I've been dating on and off and was asked the question by a friend...

"What are you looking for? "

What am I looking for? 
I couldn't think of what to say.

I hung up the phone and then the words I am posting below are what came out of me,  flowed right onto the paper.

I'm looking for the person who "will".

"Will you look me in the eye when we meet for the first time?

Will you ask about...and really want to know...who I am?

How I am? 

Why I am?

Will you be willing to share the same things with me about yourself?

 Will you talk to me about anything? 

And everything? 

And sometimes nothing at all?

Will you listen to me when I talk?

 Will you laugh with me-or at me-and my often offbeat sense of humor?

 Will you take me out to dinner? 

To the movies?

To a cheesy karaoke bar?

On a drive to nowhere at all? 

Will you eat popcorn with me when we stay in and cuddle up to watch tv on the couch...or in bed?

 Will you let me cook for you, maybe your favorite food or something that you have never tried before?

 Will you hold my hand?

And kiss me?

Soft and tender and hard and passionate and hot...

 Will you crave me and my curves, eventually getting to know each one of them first with your eyes... then your hands and mouth?

Will you let me explore yours?

 Will you share your fantasies with me and want to know mine as well?

 Will you play with my hair and rub my back or legs or feet just because you know how good it feels and how much I like it?

Will you let me know what makes you comforted and happy?

Will you let me do nice things for you, just because?

 Will you help me find “things” that I never even knew I liked or needed and would have put on this list if I knew they had been missing from my life?

 Will you introduce me to your friends?

Your family?

Will you respect me?

Will you appreciate the fact that I seek out the positive in even the direst of situations?

Will you teach me?

Learn from me? 

Learn with me?

Will you promise to never dull my sparkle and accept that I will never try to dull yours?

Will you?"

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